On Fri, 4 Aug 2000, Bill Moseley wrote:

> Now, let say for once we do have a limited amount of memory, and we have a
> very large number of templates, and the templates are very large and mostly
> plain old text.  In other words, the compiled templates are basically big
> print statements with only a small part being variable interpolation.
> Since the templates are large, I could imagine a situation where the
> compiled template cache is thrashed, or at least the templates don't live
> in the cache very long.

There are two situations I can realistically see this being a problem:

1. You haven't bought enough memory for your server considering your data
set and other issues.

2. You are an ISP running one of these template systems, with multiple
virtual hosts.

I actually don't have any solutions to this, and its exactly the reason I
want to bring Mason and AxKit together, because AxKit sure does use a lot
of memory.

The only real benefit is where you've got static files in the cache. You
can effectively stop the server (clearing the cache) and restart it and
deliver from the cache. Provided nothing changes the templates will never
be loaded again.


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