
I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this, but here goes ...

I can't seem to get Apache::Session installed on our SGI-Irix box. The MySQL
test fails when trying to create a new database, as shown by the build
output below. Does anyone know what I am doing (or not doing) wrong? I have
the distinct feeling that it's something very simple :)

 Apache 1.3.6
 MySQL 3.22.20a

Thanks in advance,



cpan> install Apache::Session
Running make for J/JB/JBAKER/Apache-Session-1.52.tar.gz
CPAN: MD5 loaded ok
Checksum for
/usr2/tmp/.cpan/sources/authors/id/J/JB/JBAKER/Apache-Session-1.52.tar.gz ok
x Apache-Session-1.52/t/99filelock.t, 792 bytes, 2 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/t/99filestore.t, 1460 bytes, 3 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/t/99dbfilestore.t, 1141 bytes, 3 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/t/99oracle.t, 2021 bytes, 4 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/t/99storable.t, 731 bytes, 2 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/t/99nulllock.t, 269 bytes, 1 block
x Apache-Session-1.52/t/99uue.t, 731 bytes, 2 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/t/99flex.t, 1069 bytes, 3 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/t/99mysql.t, 1706 bytes, 4 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/t/99postgres.t, 1588 bytes, 4 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/t/99mysqllock.t, 1301 bytes, 3 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/t/99md5gen.t, 1019 bytes, 2 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/t/99file.t, 1065 bytes, 3 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/t/99mysqlstore.t, 277 bytes, 1 block
x Apache-Session-1.52/t/99semaphore.t, 2036 bytes, 4 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/t/99base64.t, 747 bytes, 2 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/t/99dbfile.t, 1122 bytes, 3 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/b/mysqllock.b, 1455 bytes, 3 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/b/uuevsmime.b, 1343 bytes, 3 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/b/dbinew.b, 190 bytes, 1 block
x Apache-Session-1.52/b/gdbm.b, 641 bytes, 2 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/b/flexpop.b, 261 bytes, 1 block
x Apache-Session-1.52/b/dbipop.b, 156 bytes, 1 block
x Apache-Session-1.52/b/dbi.b, 845 bytes, 2 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/b/dbstore.b, 1144 bytes, 3 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Store/Sybase.pm, 6416 bytes, 13 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Store/DBI.pm, 2801 bytes, 6 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Store/Oracle.pm, 4513 bytes, 9 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Store/MySQL.pm, 3222 bytes, 7 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Store/Postgres.pm, 4375 bytes, 9 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Store/DB_File.pm, 3193 bytes, 7 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Store/File.pm, 4458 bytes, 9 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/DB_File.pm, 1888 bytes, 4 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Lock/MySQL.pm, 3669 bytes, 8 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Lock/Null.pm, 1546 bytes, 4 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Lock/File.pm, 5085 bytes, 10 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Lock/Semaphore.pm, 6689 bytes, 14 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Serialize/Sybase.pm, 2378 bytes, 5 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Serialize/UUEncode.pm, 1599 bytes, 4 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Serialize/Storable.pm, 1386 bytes, 3 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Serialize/Base64.pm, 1602 bytes, 4 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/File.pm, 2021 bytes, 4 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Sybase.pm, 2283 bytes, 5 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Flex.pm, 3891 bytes, 8 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Oracle.pm, 2614 bytes, 6 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/MySQL.pm, 2148 bytes, 5 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Postgres.pm, 2495 bytes, 5 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session/Generate/MD5.pm, 1862 bytes, 4 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/eg/example.perl, 1343 bytes, 3 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Session.pm, 16226 bytes, 32 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/INSTALL, 270 bytes, 1 block
x Apache-Session-1.52/MANIFEST, 925 bytes, 2 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/CHANGES, 1614 bytes, 4 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/Makefile.PL, 198 bytes, 1 block
x Apache-Session-1.52/README, 2816 bytes, 6 blocks
x Apache-Session-1.52/TODO, 14 bytes, 1 block
Removing previously used /usr2/tmp/.cpan/build/Apache-Session-1.52

  CPAN.pm: Going to build J/JB/JBAKER/Apache-Session-1.52.tar.gz

Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for Apache::Session
mkdir blib
mkdir blib/lib
mkdir blib/lib/Apache
mkdir blib/arch
mkdir blib/arch/auto
mkdir blib/arch/auto/Apache
mkdir blib/arch/auto/Apache/Session
mkdir blib/lib/auto
mkdir blib/lib/auto/Apache
mkdir blib/lib/auto/Apache/Session
cp Session/Store/Sybase.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/Store/Sybase.pm
cp Session/DB_File.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/DB_File.pm
cp Session/Sybase.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/Sybase.pm
cp Session/Store/DBI.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/Store/DBI.pm
cp Session/Lock/MySQL.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/Lock/MySQL.pm
cp Session/Flex.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/Flex.pm
cp Session/Serialize/UUEncode.pm
cp Session.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session.pm
cp Session/Store/MySQL.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/Store/MySQL.pm
cp Session/Store/Oracle.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/Store/Oracle.pm
cp Session/Lock/Null.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/Lock/Null.pm
cp Session/Store/Postgres.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/Store/Postgres.pm
cp Session/Serialize/Storable.pm
cp Session/Oracle.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/Oracle.pm
cp Session/MySQL.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/MySQL.pm
cp Session/Postgres.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/Postgres.pm
cp Session/Lock/File.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/Lock/File.pm
cp Session/Lock/Semaphore.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/Lock/Semaphore.pm
cp Session/Store/File.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/Store/File.pm
cp Session/Serialize/Base64.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/Serialize/Base64.pm
cp Session/Serialize/Sybase.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/Serialize/Sybase.pm
cp Session/Generate/MD5.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/Generate/MD5.pm
cp Session/File.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/File.pm
cp Session/Store/DB_File.pm blib/lib/Apache/Session/Store/DB_File.pm
  /sbin/make  -- OK
Running make test
        PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr2/local/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib
-I/usr2/local/lib/perl5/5.00502/IP32-irix -I/usr2/local/lib/perl5/5.00502 -e
'use Test::Harness qw(&runtests $verbose); $verbose=0; runtests @ARGV;'
t/99mysql...........DBI->connect(sessions) failed: Unknown database
'sessions' at blib/lib/Apache/Session/Lock/MySQL.pm line 36
        Test returned status 134 (wstat 34304, 0x8600)
DIED. FAILED tests 1-8
        Failed 8/8 tests, 0.00% okay
t/99oracle..........skipping test on this platform
t/99postgres........skipping test on this platform
Failed Test  Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of failed
t/99mysql.t     134 34304     8    8 100.00%  1-8
2 tests skipped.
Failed 1/17 test scripts, 94.12% okay. 8/108 subtests failed, 92.59% okay.
*** Error code 2 (bu21)
  /sbin/make test -- NOT OK
Running make install
  make test had returned bad status, won't install without force

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