I was able to get the Apache::AutoIndex module to load and run by
statically building mod_perl into Apache.  Thanks.

Somebody should fix the flaky DSO.  I did notice that the problems are
timing related.  I would could get different results when I did a fast
"apachectl stop", "apachectl start" (the RedHat /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd does
this) as opposed to a slow sequence.

>I have Apache 1.3.12 using mod_perl 1.24 as a DSO, built with Perl 5.6.0
>Apache::AutoIndex 0.08 which is running on Linux 2.2.14. 
>Everything works fine, until, I `apachectl stop`, then add the following
to the httpd.conf:
>PerlModule Apache::AutoIndex
>When I do `bin/httpd -X` Linux does a core dump.

In the process, I noticed the awkwardness of the httpd.conf
"LoadModule","AddModule" directive pair.

Apache's httpd knows which modules are statically linked (evidenced by
httpd -l).   Modules should not be loaded ("LoadModule") if they are linked
statically, and conversely, DSO modules can not be added ("AddModule") if
they are not loaded (LoadModule).  

Perhaps a better directive would just be "EnableModule", so that a DSO
module would be both loaded and enabled and a statically linked  module
would not activated unless it was enabled ("EnableModule").  (I know this
sounds simple, and probably why it can't be implemented. :)

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