On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, Ken Williams wrote:

> Darn.  Or perhaps: cool.  Is it possible for me to usurp this module?
> The Apache::Gzip module I've been working on has the same goals and same
> purpose as the one in the eagle, but a bit of a different interface and
> a very different implementation inside.  It's reasonable that if the
> only thing changing is the interface (can I say that with a straight
> face?), the module could be kept the same.  Doug, what do you think?
> I assume it would be a bad idea to have two modules, an Apache::GZip
> (from the book) and an Apache::Gzip (on CPAN).  Or might that be okay,
> if notes were added to the docs for each?

how about calling it Apache::GZipStream ?  you can borrow whatever you
like from the book example.

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