Your right. this works great for html! Unfortunately, however,  Apache
sandwich really does not work for me because it only deals with GET
requests and it can not deal with cgi requests directly. I would need to
alter my cgi's in order to use sandwich. I am looking for a mod_perl
solution  that will add footers to unaltered stand alone cgis.

any other ideas out there?


"Bruce W. Hoylman" wrote:

> Have you looked at Apache::Sandwich from CPAN?  It is easy to implement
> and I have used it for awhile now to add confidentiality headers and
> footers to pages in a small to medium site.
> cpan> m /Apache::Sandwich/
> Module id = Apache::Sandwich
>     CPAN_VERSION 2.04
>     CPAN_FILE    V/VK/VKHERA/Apache-Sandwich-2.04.tar.gz
>     MANPAGE      Apache::Sandwich - Layered document (sandwich) maker
>     INST_FILE    /opt/gnu/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/
>     INST_VERSION 2.04
> It could most certainly be use as a basis for your needs and
> requirements.
> Peace.

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