The request object is $r


On Sat, 19 Aug 2000, Jay Strauss wrote:

> Sorry if this has been asked before but I have been unable to find the answer
> (not in perldoc, apache modules book, searching archives):
> I would like my perl compilation and process errors to be written to an HTML
> page if/when they occur, in the same way they are written to stdout when I run
> from the command line.
> I thought that Apache::Debug::dump would do this, am I correct??
> I am unable to make it work though.  I can't seem to find any examples of how to
> use it, perldoc is too brief for my limited skills, the apache modules book
> (eagle) says:
> "The three arguments to dump() are the request object, an error code to return
> to Apache... and an error message..."
> What is a "request object"?
> No matter what I do, all I can produce is that "OK" server error page.  My perl
> code is a simple: give userid, password, database, sql query, connect to my
> database (oracle) and display the results.
> Can someone please give me an example of how to use dump()? Or if you have a
> different suggestion.
> Appended is my simple perl code and HTML error page
> Thanks
> Jay

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