[ previous discussion snipped ]

>httpd.conf or .htaccess (PerlModule hasta be in httpd.conf,
>from my experience)--
>       PerlAccessHandler My::Auth::access_handler
>       PerlSetVar Intranet " => userA, => userB"
>       PerlAuthenHandler My::Auth::authen_handler
>       AuthName realm
>       AuthType Basic
>       Require valid-user
>       order deny,allow
>       deny from all
>       #############
>       # add 'order/deny', and we're done (as far as i can tell)
>       #############

Before any changes to the Guide solidify out of this, I'd like to know that we're not 
pushing bad information into it.

- order, deny, allow are all handled by mod_access, which worries about hostname- and 
IP address-based restrictions.
- AuthType Basic is handled right in the core Apache code, where it, along with 
digest, is special-cased for in http_request and elsewhere.  You aren't really doing 
Basic auth with your module, are you?  That is, you're not putting the Auth-Required 
headers into your responses (to cause the browser to prompt for credentials) if you 
don't see the Basic auth headers in the requests, right?

I'm using Apache::AuthCookie, not doing this from scratch, so that clouds things a bit 
for me, but I've been looking at Apache's behaviour a lot.

Here's my test config (for Apache::AuthCookie):

<Location /some/where>
 AllowOverride None
 Options +ExecCGI
 SetHandler cgi-script
 AuthType Site::AuthCookieHandler
 AuthName Testing
 PerlAuthenHandler  Site::AuthCookieHandler->authenticate
 PerlAuthzHandler   Site::AuthCookieHandler->authorize
 require valid-user

Notice that there are no order, allow, deny directives in sight, and this works as it 
If I truss apache while I hit this spot with a request, I see the results of the 
handlers being invoked, which in AuthCookie's case is a redirection to a login form.
If I replace "AuthType Site::AuthCookieHandler" with "AuthType Basic", the handlers 
don't get invoked, and I instead see this error from apache:

  configuration error: couldn't check user.  No user file?: /some/where

This comes from http_request.c, which is responding to "AuthType Basic".  It's giving 
an error because I haven't told it where to find a user file (AuthUserFile) or 
database (AuthDBMUserFile) to check requests against, but I've requested Basic auth.


Steve van der Burg
Information Services
London Health Sciences Centre
(519) 685-8300 ext 35559

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