According to Stas Bekman:
> On Mon, 21 Aug 2000, Jeff Warner wrote:
> >     We need to have mod_perl and mod_jserv in the same httpd file.  I can build
> > apache 1.3.9 for either mod_perl or mod_jserv using the appropriate make
> > commands from the install docs and they work fine.
> > 
> >     I've tried to build a mod_perl httpd and then use
> >             ./configure \
> >             --prefix=/usr/local/apache \
> >             --activate-module=src/modules/jserv/libjserv.a
> > 
> >     on a apache build but then I get a mod_jserv httpd and mod_perl is gone.
> > If I try to activate-module for both mod_perl and mod_jserv I get a lot of
> > mod_perl errors.  Suggestions would be appreciated.
> I think it should be easy to apply these notes to your case.

It does work to build them together, but if you are using the
two-apache scheme it makes more sense to put jserv in the
front end.  Apache uses a proxy-like mechanism to pass the
requests on to the jserv running in a separate process.  It
doesn't make much sense to have the larger mod_perl httpd
waiting for the responses.

  Les Mikesell

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