On Mon, Aug 28, 2000 at 07:11:17AM -0700, Dmitry Beransky wrote:
> > I don't know why its working on the command line and not in your web
> > page. Seems very odd to me. Have you tried setting $XML::XPath::Debug=1
> > and seeing if that shows anything suspect (expect LOTS of stuff to come
> > out). Also note that XML::XPath doesn't work with Perl 5.6 yet. I'm
> > uploading XML::XPath 0.99 today to fix that.
> I'm still using good ol' 5.005 :)  I just tried your Debug=1 suggestion
> (BTW, it doesn't appear to be documented in XML::XPath) and the output
> seems identical for both the ASP and the "offline" versions of the
> script.  I guess I'll have to dive into XPath internals and place a few
> trace statements of my own...

You might try intentionally placing a syntax error in your asp script
so you can analyze the parsed output.  It's possible the parser is
doing something unexpected to your code.

Paul Lindner
Red Hat Inc.

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