Apache 1.3.12, mod_perl 1.24, Apache::SSI 2.13, Date::Format 2.08

      I've had problems with date formats in Apache::SSI.

      The behaviour of mod_include is to apply the <!--#config
      timefmt='%d-%m-%Y'--> configuration directive to all date formats.

      Apache::SSI does not seem to be applying the format. Examining the code
      led me to think that the Date::Format module wasn't being loaded correctly
      so I added a use statement to the top of the code (since I use these
      functions all over the place, there seemed to be no benefit to delaying
      the include).

      Now Apache::SSI was throwing errors indicating that I was passing the the
      wrong datatype (wanted an array and not an array constructor).

      I fixed the _lastmod sub to provide the required array (see patch below).

      Then I found that <!--#echo var='DATE_LOCAL'--> didn't work either.
      Looking at the code again, a time format didn't seem to get passed. So I
      fixed up the echo_DATE_LOCAL sub to format the date.

      The patch below includes both these patches but my questions are:

      Is there something else wrong which I should fix before changing the code
      If the SSI.pm code does need to change, am I doing it the right way before
      finishing the other subs ?


      Simon Wilcox
      Williams Lea Group

--- SSI.213    Sun Jun  4 06:29:53 2000
+++ SSI.pm     Mon Aug 28 14:33:51 2000
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 use File::Basename;
 use HTML::SimpleParse;
 use Symbol;
+use Date::Format;

 $VERSION = '2.13';
 my $debug = 0;
@@ -344,13 +345,26 @@
     } elsif ( defined ($value = $self->{_r}->subprocess_env($var)) ) {
         return $value;
     } elsif (defined &{"echo_$var"}) {
-        return &{"echo_$var"}($self->{_r});
+        return &{"echo_$var"}($self->{_r}, $self->{'timefmt'});
     return '';

 sub echo_DATE_GMT { scalar gmtime; }
-sub echo_DATE_LOCAL { scalar localtime; }
+sub echo_DATE_LOCAL {
+  if (defined $_[1]) {
+    unless (exists $INC{'Date/Format.pm'}) {
+      eval "use Date::Format";
+      warn "Can't load Date::Format: $@" if $@;
+      return if $@;
+    }
+    my @time=localtime;
+    return strftime($_[1], @time);
+  } else {
+    return scalar localtime;
+  }
 sub echo_DOCUMENT_NAME {
     my $r = _2main(shift);
     return &_set_VAR($r, 'DOCUMENT_NAME', basename $r->filename);
@@ -436,7 +450,8 @@
       warn "Can't load Date::Format: $@" if $@;
       return if $@;
-    return strftime($_[1], [localtime( (stat $_[0])[9] )]);
+    my @time=localtime( (stat $_[0])[9] );
+    return strftime($_[1], @time);
   } else {
     return scalar localtime( (stat $_[0])[9]);

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