I don't work on Oracle so I will speak from my experience with MySQL.  MySQL
servers time out after the 8 hour standard disconnect for inactivity (this
can be adjusted in your my.conf file).  To compensate for this we now run our
own connect checks for a valid dbh handle before it goes it all the trouble
to make one along with Apache::DBI

We have not had any more issues with the database connects since we moved to
this method.  We do a ping and validate the dbh handle rather then blindly
accessing the dbh handle since Apache::DBI will only validate the dbh handle
on a connect.

Aaron Johnson

Perrin Harkins wrote:

> On Thu, 31 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > What I think is going on is that the script gets killed by Oracle for
> > being idle and tries to ping the connection, but the ping fails.
> It is supposed to reconnect when the ping fails.  I've had problems
> getting reconnects to Oracle 8 working.  The "solution" we ended up with
> was to make processes that can't reconnect send an error page and
> exit.  New processes are able to connect.  I'm not sure what causes this
> problem.
> Since your problem is caused by your processes being idle for too long,
> this may go away when you move out of testing mode into a public release.
> You might want to tweak your MinSpareServers settings so that you won't
> have lots of idle processes hanging around.
> > >Rebild your mod_perl with the EVERYTHING=1 flag.  That will get rid
> > of the >above error message.
> >
> > So I have to re-install it?  Is there anything I need to do when I
> > rebuild it?  Or do I just need to reinstall mod_perl as it's done in
> > the documentation?
> Just rebuild it and re-install as it shows in the docs.
> - Perrin

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