
Thank you for the followup.  My original thought was that StatINC reloaded
modules as appropriate and that each child should share a common cache of
pre-compiled scripts.  Since that is not the case, it makes developing
larger applications in mod_perl a bit trickier.  Trickier because now
everytime I modify some  file that falls under the supervision of StatINC I
have to do a graceful restart to get all the scripts
re-synchronized/recompiled/reloaded.  Is there any other way around this?
Can you force the apache's child processes to all use the same cache ?  I've
resorted to using PerlRun until it's time to go production, then i will
switch to full modperl.

Hm, thanks!



> > received a request to handle a mod-perl-script that StatINC would tell
> > server to hold up for a second while it recompiles these modules and
> > let it go on it's way.  It's almost as if each child process maintains
> > own seperate cached version of the modperl-covered scripts.  Is this the
> > case?
> Yes, this is the case. Each child has its own copy of the compiled
> module. When you initially start the server, if your modules are
> pre-loaded, initially this memory will be copy-on-write shared across each
> child (i.e. only one area of memory used and shared between the children),
> but when you reload them using something like StatINC, that sharing
> disappears.
> You could try PerlFreshRestart and issue a graceful restart if this isn't

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