On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Eric L. Brine wrote:

> ELB> Great idea, but just one note; ':' is not legal in CSS class names.
> ELB> In fact, underscores are not even allowed in CSS class names!
> PL> So?  They aren't CSS class names.
> In the preview mode, they are treated as such, so in effect they are.

        Then I think the web browser you're using is broken.  The CLASS
        attribute is (and never was) reserved for the exclusive use of
        styles.  Anything not recognized should be ignored.

> In addition, if those are not stripped out by your module (and as far as
> I can tell with a quick look, they are not),

        They probably *could* be.

> the resulting HTML does not conform to both strict HTML and CSS.

        It's 100% conformant to HTML: please go read the specification.
        As to CSS, I can't comment with authority since I'm not that
        familiar with the specification; but, as I said above, I would
        hope that anything not recognized is ignored.

> PL> The are in fact legal class names according to the HTML spec.
> The HTML spec doesn't define what is a legal class name. It's simply
> defined as "CDATA" (i.e. a HTML escaped string).

        Then anything that is legal CDATA is a legal class name, by
        definition.  I really don't know how to make that any clearer.

        - Paul

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