On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Marc D. Spencer wrote:

>    o There are actually 3 groups involved, and separation of function
>      as much as possible allows the three groups to work independently on
>      a project without requiring concurrent editing of the same file.
>      - HTML coders
>      - Behavior (the perl or java code)
>      - Resources (pulling in images or other referenced objects)
>      With the templating options discussed so far, you tie the HTML
>      coders and the perl/java coders to editing the same file. Separation
>      of these two is really key, according to those I asked. The Project
>      Managers like the separation too.

I don't think thats the case at all here. We've discussed several
solutions, none of which tie the programmer into editing the template
file. Thats the whole point of these discussions...

>    o Don't forget localization. None of the existing products that we were
>      able to look at handled localization of templates. Localization must
>      be handled by HTTP accept headers and/or manual overriding.

This is handled by Apache - what more needs to be done (I'm not being
facetious (sp?) - I'd really like to get more and better answers to this

>    o Virtual hosts are real, and template reuse, especially across VHs,
>      while allowing for VH specific customization (driven by the perl/java
>      or configuration) is a nicety.

Do you mean like www.pdamd.com and www.pdare.com ?


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