Hi all,

Did this already spotted sometime before? (I apologize if the PHP stuffs 
bothers you).

One of our PHP applications crashed Apache after moving to a new server, 
which with both mod_perl and mod_php3 installed. After few hours of 
debugging process, it turns out that the evil was the regex engine in php3.

At first, I found that the split() calls in PHP code make Apache to go into 
infinite loop, eating up all the system resources. This was solved by 
replacing them with explode(), which does the split without using regex.

Then the Apache child processes began to die with SEGV. Running httpd -X 
using gdb, I found that it was _php3_reg_replace throwing the SEGV, and 
it seemed to be the eregi_replace() calls caused that.

So I tried to recompile two new Apache with and without mod_perl, and the 
mod_perl one sucks. I think they should have their own regex engine and 
should not intefere with each other.

Any thoughts?

PS. I'm using Perl-5.6.0, RedHat 6.2, on Intel Pentium platform.

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