Matt Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Now to the wierd bit. I could track this down if it wasn't for this:
> The memory leak starts after the Nth hit, usually around 35. This is
> running under httpd -X.
> So it goes along very happily for 35 hits - memory usage is rock solid
> stable. Then after the 35th hit the memory usage starts to grow about 4k
> per hit.

This could be a misleading symptom.  Suppose your code always leaks 4K
per hit.  The process size will only start visibly growing when memory
that was allocated and then freed during initialisation is exhausted.
You could see this effect if the malloc pool has 140K free before the
first hit.

Frank Cringle,      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice: (+49 7745) 928759; fax: 928761

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