On Sun, 17 Sep 2000, Alexander Farber (EED) wrote:

> Matt Sergeant wrote:
> > > > #     my @vary = $r->header_out('Vary') if $r->header_out('Vary');
> > > > #     push @vary, "Accept-Encoding", "User-Agent";
> > 
> > I think its a mod_perl bug. There's nothing leaky in the perl here.
> Isn't it the same as
> http://www.perl.com/pub/2000/05/p5pdigest/THISWEEK-20000521.html#my_x_if_0;_Trick

Nice catch!

Yes it is the same. Thats good news for Doug :-)

This probably needs fixing in Apache::GzipChain too then, as the code was
directly cut and paste from there.


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