On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, - wrote:

> I am trying to install apache support for ASP (using win95).
> I have spent many days in downloading+reading+trying etc...
> without results.

It can be frustrating ...

> It seems as if it is the purpose of some persons to make it complicated.

To build packages that work seamlessly on many different platforms 
isn't easy, especially for Win32, but many people here have put a lot 
of effort into this - they make their lives harder so yours can
be easier ... 

> Is it a hard task to make one file (exe) to make it automatic installing ? 

Using the CPAN.pm module to install things is very good advice - 
Apache-ASP should build and install cleanly with it. Alternatively,
if you're using ActivePerl (the 600 series, based on Perl-5.6.0), 
there's a mod_perl package you can try - install it as (on one line)

ppm install

and then

ppm install

You might need some additional packages for ASP, depending
on your setup - these can also be installed by the ppm utility from
ActiveState's site (see http://www.activestate.com/ppmpackages/ 
for a list of available packages).

best regards,
randy kobes

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