You can you use Location to specify seperate AuthUserFile's like so:

<Location /companyA>
AuthType Basic
AuthName CompanyA
AuthUserFile path/to/CompanyAUsersFile

<Location /companyN>
AuthType Basic
AuthName CompanyN
AuthUserFile path/to/CompanyNUsersFIle

Or you can write your own AuthHandler that lookups up AuthName, AuthUserFile in a seperate file against the path_info. This will eliminate the need to flood you httpd.conf file with a bunch of <Location></Location> directives.

Todd Chapman wrote:

I have read chapter 6 of the modperl book but still don't know how to set
up authenification the way I want. I would like to use Basic
authentification to protect virtual documents. The trick is that I want
to set AuthName and AuthUserFile based on path_info.

For example:


would prompt for a password in the companyA realm and check it against the
appropriate AuthUserFile.

How do I add this flexibility without reinventing the parts Apache already
does so well?



Carlos Ramirez + Boeing + Reusable Space Systems + 714.372.4181
- Someday I'll find that peer and reset his connection!

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