> From: Jerrad Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Is there anyway to fool perl into letting you do a:
> use Foo ($bar, 'baz', 'quux');

'use' lines are executed very early on during script loading:

        use Foo x y z
is roughly equivalent to

        BEGIN { require Foo; import Foo x y z }
so $bar is likely to be undefined unless you also set it in
a BEGIN section, eg

        BEGIN { $bar = .... }
        use Foo ($bar, 'baz', 'quux');

or use 'require' instead of 'use' if you can tolerate the module being
loaded late, eg

        $bar = ....;
        require Foo;
        import Foo ($bar, 'baz', 'quux');

* Dave Mitchell, Operations Manager,
* Fretwell-Downing Facilities Ltd, UK.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* Tel: +44 114 281 6113.                The usual disclaimers....
* Standards (n). Battle insignia or tribal totems

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