
This is in regards to Ken Williams' Apache::Compress module (announced
here on August 22).

I've installed it, along with zlib, Compress::Zlib, and Apache::Filter,
and am having a couple of issues getting it running -- wondering if anyone
has any clues.

perl is version 5.004_04, apache is 1.3.6, mod_perl is a dev snapshot from
February 4 of this year (1.21 something), with one local bug fix. Yes, I
know all of those are out of date, to varying degrees :-) We've had some
of apache stability issues at my company, and sometimes we've downgraded,
or avoided upgrading, to avoid whack-a-mole bug stomping. mod_perl was
compiled with EVERYTHING=1.

For perl, we have:
        PerlModule Apache::Filter
        <Location /exe>
            SetHandler perl-script
            PerlSetVar Filter on
            # the following line is what used to be here, and worked great,
            # but we're changing it to put compression in.
            # PerlHandler Apache::Registry
            PerlHandler Apache::RegistryFilter Apache::Compress
            PerlFixupHandler Apache::SizeLimit
            PerlSendHeader On

And for static pages, we have:
        PerlModule Apache::Compress
        <Directory /usr/local/htdocs>
            Options Includes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
            Header set Pragma no-cache
            PerlHandler Apache::Compress

Perl scripts compress perfectly, except come through as text/plain
instead of text/html.

Static .html files aren't compressed at all (but do come through as

Any clues?



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