On Tue, 3 Oct 2000, James Xie wrote:

> I try to use Apache::Status to find out memory usage of my perl scripts, I
> configured the system according to the mod_perl guide:
> Add the following lines to httpd.conf
> <Location /perl-status>
>       SetHandler perl-script
>       PerlHandler Apache::Status
>       order deny,allow
> </Location>
> PerlSetVar StatusOptionsAll On
> PerlSetVar StatusTerse On
> PerlSetVar StatusTerseSize On
> PerlSetVar StatusTerseSizeMainSummary On
> PerlModule B::TerseSize
> I also installed  B-Size-0.04 and Devel-Symdump on the system. I got
> internal server log every time I try to access /perl-status.  This is what
> in the log file:
> [Tue Oct  3 15:49:15 2000] [error] [Tue Oct  3 15:49:15 2000] null:
> Undefined su
> broutine &Apache::Status::handler called. 
> If I remove PerlModule B::TerseSize from httpd.conf, I can get to the
> /perl-status page but I got error again when I click on the memory usage
> button. 
> What did I miss?

I think I've seen it before, but probably forgot to document it. If I
remember correctly you have to preload one of the modules it uses. May be

As for

 PerlSetVar StatusOptionsAll On

turns all the options On, my bad, should fix that. You shouldn't set it
unless you want all the options to be On.

Tell me whether it worked for you and I'll fix the guide accordingly.

> Thanks
> James

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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