the eagle book has an example of this in chapter 6 (cookie based access control)
I've used an init handler to glean $r->prev->uri and use that in the handler that implements the login page for Apache-AuthCookie, which works as well...
-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Frawley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 4:37 PM
Subject: Authentication and Redirection

Can anyone help me I have been scratching my head with this problem for a while and I can't figure a solution out.
I have written a CGI script that is executed from an ErrorDocument 403 so that when a user tries to access a secure web page from the net they are bounced to a welcome page and requested to log on. An Apache module that I have written is then executed and the user is then authenticated against an oracle database. All of this works BUT I would like to send the user back to the page they selected originally if the authenticate correctly or else just leave then at the welcome page. 
So my question is how can you redirect depending on the results of authentication.
Ian Frawley
Software Development
0161 222 2400

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