I'm trying to configure my Apache config file using Perl Sections. I'm
stuck in trying to populate a Directory directive with a bunch of "Allow
from"s like so:

## Get my "allow froms" from an existing list of ip addresses
 my $accessfile =
    open ACCESS, $accessfile or die "$accessfile : $!\n";
    my @allows = ();
    while (<ACCESS>) {
          push @allows, {Allow => "from $1" } if  /^Allow from (.+)/;
    close ACCESS;

   ### This is the part that i'm not sure of
    $Directory{'/home/mydirectory'} = {
     Order => 'deny,allow',
     Deny  => 'from all',

I get the following Error message when I start the server:
<Perl>: Invalid command 'HASH(0x268cec)', perhaps mis-spelled or defined
 a module not included in the server configuration

I am running Apache 1.3.12 mod_perl 1.21 on UNIX. Built with
EVERYTHING=1. btw, my other Perl Section'ed
configuration are working...

Unfortunately the docs only show examples of single Allow froms, which
doesn't tell me if I should put the "Allow from $ip" in a hash or an
array reference:

@allows = { Allow => "from $ip"} or Allow => ["from $ip1", from "$ip2",
...,"from $ipN"]



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