Dear mod_perl users,

I have a problem that I can't explain and don't know exactly how to debug: the httpd process keeps gobbling up memory over time.

This is what we are running:
Server Version: Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/1.3.12
   (NetRevolution/Linux-Mandrake) mod_perl/1.22 mod_ssl/2.6.4
with DBI/Apache::DBI interfacing a mysql database.

The script code in use, is all embedded in several .pm packages with a run() subroutine - one package for each script. They can be called in a dual way: as a standard .cgi call (httpd forked perl process) for development and .pl call (mod_perl) for the production website. They are called in the appropriate way by employing two wrapper scripts (one .cgi and one .pl) that call the run() subroutine. Currently both calling methods are used on the website concurrently.

We did this do ease the transition from plain .cgi to a mod_perl environment.

Now I suspect this behaviour of the webserver gobbling up memory is due to the current setup, since before this change all was fine. After a httpd clean restart, memory consumption reported by top for httpd is sitting at 15MB ... after a day or two its at 150MB at which point I restart the webserver.

Any ideas where this memory consumption might come from? or how to find the culprit through some mod_perl code?


|  Andreas Schiffler                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|  Senior Systems Engineer    -    Deskplayer Inc., Buffalo  |

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