On Fri, 6 Oct 2000, oliver wrote:

> I'm trying to get mod_perl to run with Apache (v1.3.12) and ActiveState
> Perl (v5.6.0 618) under NT
> I can compile mod_perl successfully by changing the library files to
> refer to the ActiveState Perl libraries, but when I attempt to use the
> resulting DLL, I simply get application errors...
> I read an article by Sarathy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on this mailing
> list (25th Aug) that suggested a few changes that could be made to the
> mod_perl source to get it to work with ActiveState Perl. These changes
> allowed me to get a working build of mod_perl, but unfortunatly it
> still raises an application error when Apache is shutdown
> The "official" Win32 ppm build of mod_perl for Win32 (made by Randy
> Kobes) also suffer from the same problem when Apache is shutdown...
> Can anyone help me with this?

It would be good to try to track this down ...

- if you use a non-mod_perl apache config file, but simply
add in a line to load ApacheModulePerl.dll, does the problem
occur? Does it occur if you simply stop and start apache,
or is it only after certain requests are made? Can you
narrow down the type of requests that cause the problem?
- are you preloading any perl modules? If so,
can you narrow it down as to which one(s) cause the error?
Or perhaps, if it's only after certain requests are made,
which scripts or modules seem to cause the error? Is there 
anything useful in the apache error log?
- are you using an apache binary *without* EAPI support
(used, eg, by mod_ssl)? The mod_perl ppm was compiled
without EAPI support.
- did you clean out all files and libraries from a possible
earlier installation before installing these? Especially

If you want to compile your own, grab the latest cvs
mod_perl sources (links are at http://perl.apache.org/).
These sources have the patches you mentioned above
already applied, and with them all mod_perl tests
should pass.

best regards,
randy kobes

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