[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Greg Williams) wrote:
>>I'm using mod_perl 1.24/Apache 1.3.12/Perl 5.00503 and find that I receive
>>no output after the \0.  Is this a mod_perl or Apache bug?  Or is it a
>>client bug (using Netscape 4.75) or is it the expected behavior.
>It would be expected, I'd assume.  perl5-porters discussed this back 
>in January when phrack ran an article claiming it was a 'bug' with 
>security implications.  To summarize, this isn't really bug, but 
>merely what you'd expect when the PV gets passed to a C function 
>which expects a NULL terminated string.

I think I disagree with not calling this a bug.  The entire p5p
discussion was about the fact that *system calls* will see \0 as the
end-of-string character, which in some cases is kind of a bad thing. 

However, Dave's code is just trying to send some *data* to the browser.
It appears that $r->print (or somewhere down in the Apache code) can't
handle embedded nulls, which I think should be either documented or

  -------------------                            -------------------
  Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            The Math Forum

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