>I would always seperate any proccess that are not web request orientated
>outside the request architecture - i.e write your own daemon / crond
>script thats does this exterior processing.

I totally agree. That's the plan but I need the Apache connection for the
external processing

>What do you need to access apache internals for ?

I have an object(package) that can only have one instance running. That
object is currently created by startup.pl. I need to access that instance
from apache modules
AND the external script.

>Starting something on startup is just a question of adding the required
>lines to the server startup script.

Yup, I did that and it works fine. Just need to make that connection. I
don't think calling system(...) in startup.pl  and setsid() in the script
would help because that would just start up another perl session
disconnected from Apache... am I right? I am unfortunately not too familiar
with the intricacies of the Perl/Apache connection.

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