On Fri, Oct 13, 2000 at 07:15:30PM -0400, Shimon Rura wrote:
> I'd like to be able to tell apache to close off its connection with the
> client but leave the script running.  An example use would be for the client
> to start a time-consuming job on the web server, and let it run without
> subjecting them to a spinning wait icon for 10 minutes.

This has been discussed in detail by the list recently. The solution
you describe ('closing the connection to the client') is not ideal
because it wastes 1 Apache child, which sits idle while it waits for
the Perl script to complete. I think the consensus was that the best
solution is to pass the request to an external program (possibly a
daemon) through some method (RPC, 'queue' directory or DB table, etc),
and then let the external program perform the time consuming task,
while the mod_perl script returns the data to the client like normal.

If I've got something wrong, sorry - check one of the archives for
extensive discussion.



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