Ruben I. Safir
1600 East 17th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11230
Skills UNIX, Apache Web Server administration, Networking Administration, 
C programming, Perl and Perl DBI, SQL, UNIX Script Language, HTML. Introduction to Java and C++.
Operating Systems Unix, Linux, BSDI, DOS, Windows, NT
Related Skills PageMaker, PhotoShop, GIF Animation, POV Raytracing 
Art Skills, hardware troubleshooting, PC Installation, Scanning 
Apache Administration, IP Setup.
Feb 2000 Sapphire Software of Brooklyn - Installed Slashdot Clone for Client and set up basic IP networking.
March 1999 - Present The New School - Teach Perl and Web Technologies in the continueing education program
May 1998 - Present New York University - Manager of Intranet and Software Development and Project Manager.
  • Wrote numerous database driven Web programs using DBI, ModPerl and Perl.
  • Installed and imported the clinical database to Oracle On Red Hat Linux.
  • Ported an Intranet Site from a Windows95 environment to Unix, fixing links using SED and Perl.
  • Ported a DOS medical database from a flat binary Database to MYSQL RDMS using Perl. As the old database is still being used live, the port has to be repeated on a daily basis.
  • Fixed large amounts of bad data.
  • Combined it's 5 directories of data because it originally had a maximum of 32,000 patients. All five database binaries had to be combined into one MYSQL Database.
  • Designed the new schema and built a front end for the over 3,000,000 transactions using CGI techniques , modperl, embperl, javascript and Perl.
  • Installed Apache on Linux while building modules and perl extensions.
  • Instructed co-workers in the basics of Unix administration, while creating a secure web server.
  • Automated the data import to be pooled daily using CRON over IPX from production servers. 
Dec 1994 - Present Jewish Billboard and Brooklyn on Line - Web Site Administrator and Page Creator.
  • Performed webpage creation skills including CGI writing in C and Perl.
  • Currently developing a Shopping Cart with client  side administration, and accounting tools.
  • Extensive use of Perl and MYSQL on a BSDI OS. 
    ( and http://www.brooklynonline) . 
July 1997 - December 1997 Maramont Corporation:
  • Establish an Intranet with the Apache Webserver 
  • Supported about 25 machines on an intranet with Windows Clients and  a UNIX Server.
  • Designed and replaced various windows based document management programs which were constraining the corporations ability for web based technology.
  • Wrote several Perl CGI's to parse our production label database into CGI - Netscape output. This eased label  design. It permitted the use of Pagemaker to work with the specialized Zebra Bar-code printers over the UNIX print server.
  • Worked with Fox Pro 2.6a and a Database product called TRO to support and helped develop a Purchasing database on Windows 3.11 and Novel.
  • Installed and supported all cooperate software, Photo Shop, Pagemaker, Scanning techniques, Word, Lotus, ect.
June 1995 - June 1997 Medical Arts - Part-time Pharmacist
Sept 1995 - Feb 1996 Graduate Student Professor at LIU College of Pharmacy in compounding labs.
Sept 1984 - 1996 Karson Pharmacy - Full and Part-time Pharmacist.
1981 - 1987 US ARMY - Honorable discharge
Sept - Jan 1998 NYU: C++ and Unix Programing
April - Oct 1996 Cope Institute: Programming course in UNIX Programming, 
Shell Scripting, SQL, embedded SQL in C and Oracle.
Sep 1995 - Feb 1996 LIU: Fellowship and Ph.D. candidate for Pharmaceutics.
Jan 1983 - Sept 1988 LIU Brooklyn Campus: Graduate of Pharmacy

Interests and Hobbies Birds and Parrots, Art History, Local History, Jazz, NYC, Writing, Teaching Perl and HTML

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