As a relative newbie to the whole Apache/mod_perl world (just 7 months !) I
wasn't sure what to expect from the conference.

      I have to report that it was fantastic. The enthusiasm of everyone
      involved and their openness was just amazing to someone used to
      closed-source software.

      Stas' talks were great, just a pity we didn't have another couple of hours

      Stas - I'm sorry I didn't get to thank you personally for The Guide,
      without which I would be dead (or at least out of a job !).

      I agree with the other posts that Doug's talk was very cool. So many
      things I want to do right now will be sooooo easy in a few months time.
      Especially filters !

      It was clear to me that everyone involved is so committed, on a really
      personal level, to this technology and I am even more convinced that
      moving to this platform was the right thing to do.

      Thank you all.

      Simon Wilcox.


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