> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Sergeant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 7:44 AM
> To: Nouguier
> Cc: perl
> Subject: Re: An idea, for comments
> You want Apache::Dispatch. It's almost exactly what you are 
> looking for
> (and it really rocks, IMHO).

for anyone who is interested, I'm pretty close to releasing the latest
version of Dispatch.  here's the Changes so far:

  - added support for output filtering
    thanks to Ken Williams for additional Apache::Filter functionality
  - added FILTERING section to documentation
  - added DispatchISA functionality to set parent classes for 
    dispatched module
  - added DispatchAUTOLOAD directive to make AUTOLOAD behavior user
  - added AUTOLOAD section to documentation
  - more, better documentation
  - modified Apache::ModuleConfig->get() calls
    thanks to Doug MacEachern for the enlightenment
  - fixed bug that allowed for duplicate DispatchExtras directives
  - fixed dispatch_index bug
  - fixed one minor "my $x if 0" condition
  - fixed DispatchStat ISA directive to properly recurse all levels
  - made mod_perl 1.2401 required due to DIR_MERGE memory leak in 1.24

unfortunately, the filtering capability will not be available until
Apache::Filter 1.12 is released (which is incompatable and implemented
totally differently from the current Apache::Filter)

DispatchISA is my favorite part of the module so far, which allows you to
really take advantage of inheritance by specifying any number of
(additional) classes all your dispatched classes should inherit from (like a
generic Utils package or whatever).  It's nothing you can't do by setting
@ISA yourself, you can pretty much do everything Dispatch does yourself
anyway ;)

for anyone who wants a preview, you can find it at


comments most welcome...


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