Hi there,

On Mon, 30 Oct 2000, Greg Cope wrote:

> In theory there is no reason why this should not be translateable to C,
> it is quite small (in perl).
> However:
> a) I cannot do C (and translating this is beyond me as a learning
> exercise at the mo).
> b) Also waiting is a good idea till all the bugs are sorted. (I am sure
> there are more).

I think it's right to turn things like this into C.  I'll help you
with it if you like, but I think you're right about waiting until the
design is stable before doing it.

If you can write Perl you can write C, there are onlya couple of dozen
keywords.  It's just that you're not so mollycoddled in C, you're much
closer to the machine, and you have to plan further ahead (instead of
waiting for the bang:).  I prefer it.


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