I read that in the manual, but was a little unsure of what it meant.  I understand
the concept just not how to implement it.

Right now I'm just storing a variable in the hash.. For example...

$hash{test} = "test";

Then if I look at the variable from another script (or the same script) it's just
not there.


> Hi Chris, welcome on board !
>       Are you changing data structures e.g. a element in a hash of hashes ?
>       Apache::Session has documented behaviour where it only writes back changes
>       if the top level variables have changed. If you are changing something
>       deeper it will not be _seen_ as a change.
>       The recommended approach is to use a timestamp at the top level to ensure
>       that something always changes and forces a write.
>       Simon Wilcox.
>                From           cbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>              Date
>    31 October 2000
>         To
>                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                          Time  17:30
>       Copy to         (bcc: Simon Wilcox/BASE/WilliamsLea)
>       Bcc     Simon Wilcox/BASE/WilliamsLea
>       Fax to
>       Subject       Session data disappearing
> Hi everyone, I'm sure this is a simple problem...
> Im using Session.pm to track information between httpd requests.
> However, when I store some information in the session, it is gone when I
> try to retrieve it later.  I've noticed the following things:
> when I tie to the session I use the command Commit = 1, but in my
> error_log, I get the following...
> Commit ineffective with AutoCommit enabled at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/Session/Store/Postgres.pm line 92
> Then I turned AutoCommit off on my database connection but then I could
> see in my error_log that the commands were being rolled back.
> I'll try committing the changes to the database next, but then what's
> the point of the Commit = 1 command in the Tie command?? The
> documentation states it has to be like this. Does anyone know what the
> proper way of doing this is?
> Also, thanks to all who replied to my last post!!!  As you can see I'm
> now up and running with Mod_perl!!!!
> Chris
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