I'm having trouble using PerlRun with the StatInc module.  The symptom is
several error log file entries of the form:

[Wed Nov  8 11:12:20 2000] PerlInitHandler subroutine
`Apache::StatINC::handler' : Apache::StatINC: Can't locate

The offending item in %INC appears to be the 'warnings.pm' entry defined on
line 308 of PerlRun:

    if ($] < 5.006) {
        $INC{'warnings.pm'} = __FILE__;
        *warnings::unimport = sub {};

The value for this entry is still defined after the PerlModule
Apache::PerlRun directive, but, by the time the PerlHandler is invoked,
$INC{'warnings.pm'} evaluates to undef (the key is still defined, just not
its value).  This, of course, causes StatInc to generate the above error

We're using Bundle::Apache 1.02, perl 5_00405.  

My perl.conf file contains the following:
PerlFreshRestart        On

PerlModule              Apache::StatINC
PerlInitHandler         Apache::StatINC
PerlSetVar StatINC_UndefOnReload On
PerlSetVar StatINC_Debug 1
PerlWarn On

PerlTaintCheck On

My virtual server contains the following:
  Alias /cgi-bin /path/to/cgi-bin
  PerlModule Apache::PerlRun

  <Location /cgi-bin>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun
    Options +ExecCGI
    PerlSendHeader On

Any help here would be most appreciated.  Thanks!


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