> why do you want to process a directory listing?  you want to 
> process the files within the directory via SSI, right?

I ran into this too, so i'll explain what i was trying to do.  I have a
handler that works like this

    <Location /articles/>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Site::Articles

What the handler does is simulate a normal directory structure, but pulls
articles out of a DB.  It pulls arguments out of the URI, so 


gets you the article with uid bleh from the issue from 20001101.  

I also have issue indexes at 


and at some other similar locations, all generated on the fly.
Apache::Filter didn't like this.  I suppose you could do an internal
redirect to index.html in the script when people ask for directories or
something and that would probably fix it.  But i just tried it with
OutputChain, and it worked fine without modification, so i'm using


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