
I'm the author of Apache::ASP, and a regular contributor
to this list, but today I have something different!  I am 
looking at building a high end ISP for the likes of 
modperlers, who just need a little more, and would like 
some of your feedback.

Below is a survey that would be useful for you to fill out
for early market research.  If you could do at least some
of it and mail it back to me, you are entitled to my blessings 
and endless advice, so just ask. ;)

It would likely begin with our first cluster built out in 
California in the next year - year + 1/2, and grow on from 
there.  Many thanks for your help.


[[ Free free to check all that apply or rank as appropriate ]]

1. How many dynamic web requests do you serve per month?
 [ ] up to 10M pages
 [ ] 10M - 100M pages
 [ ] 100M - 1G pages
 [ ] more than 1 gig pages

2. How many servers do you have handling requests, disregarding
   network infrastructure.
 [ ] 1 - 5
 [ ] 6 - 10
 [ ] 11 - 20
 [ ] 20 - 50
 [ ] 50+

3. Do you out source ... ( if only willing to in next year, mark with [W] )
 [ ] data center facilities like Exodus ( bandwidth, security, 
       fire suppression, cooling )
 [ ] networking equipment ( LAN routing, switches, firewalls, 
       web cluster front ends like alteons, cache servers ) 
 [ ] server hardware 
 [ ] server software management
 [ ] security ( firewalls, network monitoring, host monitoring )
 [ ] backups ( tape, network share, rotating off site storage )
 [ ] file shares ( NFS, Samba space )
 [ ] high volume email
 [ ] high volume DNS
 [ ] network service monitoring
 [ ] geographically distributed DNS
 [ ] streaming media, content distribution, like Akamai
 [ ] network service load testing

4. What is your web production budget per month?
 [ ] up to $5,000
 [ ] $5,000 - $10,000
 [ ] $10,000 - $20,000
 [ ] $20,000 - $50,000
 [ ] over $50,000

5. Which web deployment issues are most important to your business?
 [ ] cost
 [ ] scalability
 [ ] fault tolerance, under 99.99% downtime
 [ ] time to market
 [ ] physical access to hardware & data
 [ ] network engineering expertise
 [ ] web engineering expertise

6. Would you be willing to out source the above services to facilities in:
 [ ] Los Angeles, CA
 [ ] San Francisco, CA
 [ ] San Diego, CA
 [ ] New York, NY
 [ ] Austin, TX
 [ ] Seattle, WA
 [ ] London
 [ ] Amsterdam
 [ ] Paris

7. What OS's do you run in web production?
 [ ] Linux
 [ ] Solaris
 [ ] WinNT / Win2000
 [ ] *BSD
 [ ] Other
 [ ] Could you switch?
8. Are you currently a ...
 [ ] Engineer / Sysadmin / Developer
 [ ] Manager
 [ ] Consultant

9. What databases are you using?
 [ ] MySQL
 [ ] Oracle
 [ ] Sybase
 [ ] PostgreSQL
 [ ] Informix
 [ ] DB2
 [ ] Could you switch?

10. What does your database require:
 [ ] Speed
 [ ] Transactions
 [ ] Clustering / Fault Tolerance
 [ ] Clustering / Scalability
 [ ] Database logic, i.e. triggers, procedures
 [ ] Database integrity, i.e. referential constraints

11. What are your web development languages?  
 [ ] Perl
 [ ] Java
 [ ] C/C++
 [ ] Python
 [ ] Other

If you're here, you've got stamina.  Again, thanks.  :)

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