At 06:11 AM 11/10/00 -0500, barries wrote:
>> Address   Kbytes Resident Shared Private
>> --------  ------ -------- ------ -------
>> total Kb   24720   22720    3288   19432  <<< pre-loaded modules
>> total Kb   14592   12976    3096    9880  <<< not pre-loaed modules.

>Stupid question, probably, but when running the non-pre-loaded version,
>are you sure all the same modules are being loaded?

Yes.  According to perl-status, anyway.  Some modules are loaded into the
parent, of course, because of mod_perl.  But when not pre-loading I start
the server, look at perl-status and then made some requests and looked
again to see what was loaded.  The difference is what modules I'm use'ing
in my test.

>I'm wondering if there's
>some set of modules that, for some reason, isn't being loaded by the
>sequence of requests you're firing against all of your httpds to
>get the servers "warmed up" to represent real-life state.

When looking at pmap it looks like the main difference in "private" memory
usage is in the heap.  I'm not clear why the heap would end up so much
bigger when pre-loading modules.

Unfortunately, Linux doesn't seem to have the same reporting abilities as
Solaris, but using /proc/<pid>/statm to show shared and private memory
under these same test showed that pre-loading was a big win.  So it seems
like a Solaris issue. 

Bill Moseley

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