I will soon need something similar to this myself.

      In my case, it will be necessary to authenticate on a user by user basis.
      It would be good to extend this module to cope with this eventuality, with
      pluggable backends to retrieve the passwords (I use LDAP but an
      abstraction layer would be most flexible).

      It may also be necessary to handle cookie based authentication/session
      handling from the backend.

      OK - so I know there are lots of issues to overcome. That's one reason why
      I haven't attempted it yet ;-)

      But functionality like this will allow me to proxy my users onto external
      services without them worrying about multiple passwords, as remembering
      just one seems to be beyond some of them !, and without me having to send
      the "master" password out to third parties in plain text.

      Hopefully I will be able to contribute some code back if the problems have
      not already been solved by the time I need to implement a solution.



               From           "Christian Gilmore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date   14 November 2000
                "Modperl Mailing List (E-mail)"             Time  16:54     
                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                        

      Copy to         (bcc: Simon Wilcox/BASE/WilliamsLea)

      Bcc     Simon Wilcox/BASE/WilliamsLea

      Fax to

      Subject       [RFC] Apache::ProxyRewrite

I've completed work on a proxying module we needed here at work. I intend
to release it to the community, but first I want to get comments on its
current name  and design. Perhaps there is a direction for it to grow
before initial release?

The Problem I Needed to Solve:

We need to proxy our external web services, but secure and insecure, to
our internal personnel while also doing authentication on the personnel's
behalf behind the scenes. In order to minimize muddying of customer data,
only a single "group" userid exists. This userid is to be used for the
purpose of authenticating and authorizing internal personnel to certain
areas of our external site.

The Solution:

Apache::ProxyRewrite will proxy content, rewriting arbitrary URLs embedded
in the content (if HTML) per run-time configuration. A configuration
example for the host www-internal.tivoli.com:

<Location          />
SetHandler         perl-script
PerlHandler        ProxyRewrite

RProxyTo           http://www.tivoli.com
RProxyAuthInfo     "BASIC dG32cvVwcnQ6amF4MzhfYXS="
RProxyAuthRedirect On
RProxyRewrite      https://www.tivoli.com/secure /secure

<Location          /secure>
SetHandler         perl-script
PerlHandler        ProxyRewrite

RProxyTo           https://www.tivoli.com/secure
RProxyAuthInfo     "BASIC dG32cvVwcnQ6amF4MzhfYXS="
RProxyAuthRedirect On
RProxyRewrite      http://www.tivoli.com/        /
RProxyRewrite      http://foo.bar.com/           /secure/foo

Requests for "/" will first be proxied to http://www.tivoli.com. The
content at the URL will be parsed (quickly via a single pass through the
code, not with HTML::Parser and its variants). There will be an implicit
rule that references to relative path of the argument to RProxyTo ("/" in
this case) in the document will be rewritten to the relative URI in the
current <Location> (also "/" in this case). Further, references to
https://www.tivoli.com/secure on the backend will be rewritten to /secure.

The RProxyAuthInfo directive allows for automatic authentication and
authorization for a predetermined userid. The RProxyAuthRedirect directive
allows the server to receive backend 401 responses and redirect the client
directly to that backend URI. I don't anticipate this directive having
much value to the general community, but it was a requirement of our

Please send comments, questions, flames (hopefully none of these!) back to
the list. I attempted to contact the owner of the Apache::RewritingProxy
package to no avail. His package, though, seems designed to rewrite
content, not URIs, so I think there's room for both.


Christian Gilmore
Infrastructure & Tools Team Lead
Web & Multimedia Development
Tivoli Systems, Inc.


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