sergen wrote:
>      When sending text with "+" by "?" on url $Request->QueryString eats
> "+" (the text is absolutely the same but only this sign).
>    Is it a bug or may be some else ?
>    using: Mandrake 7.2
>                 Apache 1.3.14-2mdk
>                apache-mod_perl 1.3.14_1.24-2mdk
>                Apache-ASP 2.002mdk
>                httpd-perl (proxied)

Apache::ASP doesn't kill the + in a query string when parsing,
but mod_perl might?  Check out what you get in Apache->args
which is where Apache::ASP gets the query string from before
parsing.  You can do a <%= Apache->args %> in an ASP script.

Apache::ASP does escape + to ' ', space, and if you really want
to have a + in your URL, you will want to escape it with 
$Server->URLEncode($data), or $Server->URL($url, \%params)


Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

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