Hi Joerg,

I have essentially the same mix functioning for several months on Digital 
Unix. The assembly order was:
apply frontpage patch to apache

I guess the order of the patches affects the result if a 'following' patch 
is made after a line that was already modified by a 'previous' patch (in 
the list of assembly, that is).

Hope it helps.

Rafael Caceres
Information Systems Manager
Corporacion Aceros Arequipa S.A.

At 03:39 PM 12/1/00 +0100, you wrote:
>I'm trying to set up apache_1.3.14 with mod_frontpage-1.4.1-1.3.14, 
>mod_perl-1.24_01, mod_ssl-2.7.1-1.3.14 on a Sun Ultra 60 with Solaris 2.7, 
>using gcc 2.95.1, perl 5.6.0.
>I assemble the pieces in this order:
>- Frontpage Extensions
>- mod_ssl
>- mod_frontpage
>- mod_perl
>- Apache (with test certificate)
>Compilation seems to run without problems, but I can't get it to run 
>afterwards: Sometimes the httpds are started, but crash with a 
>segmentation fault when they receive a request, sometimes they crash right 
>after they are started by apachectl,
>without a trace in the logfiles (at Loglevel debug!).
>Without mod_perl (only mod_ssl, mod_frontpage), everything was fine, 
>that's why I'm posting to this list.
>Can anyone give me a hint what went wrong here? May it be a 32/ 64- Bit 
>problem, wrong libraries, or whatever?
>Thanks for your support!
>    Joerg
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