> with your hair on fire, others aren't so "Lucky".  I've been 
> researching ecommerce and content management solutions for my 
> company (take a guess who), and the Java technologies are 
> *filled* with marketing hype that makes all the business 
> users drool.  I almost bought into it completely.
> I don't want to suggest that the Perl community should stoop 
> as low as Java, but they have a very good thing going for 
> them.  They're presenting their data (very very skewed data, 
> but data nontheless) in a very whizz-bang fashion, saying all 
> the right words like "Inheritance", "Encapsulation", and 
> bunches of other things that the marketroids gloss over at 
> and think "Wow, this must be great stuff if I can't 
> understand it!".  What do we say with perl?  "Scripting 
> language", "Package", "Subroutine", "Array" and "Hash".  
> While we can do almost everything that Java can do (we can, 
> can't we?), we can do it a whole lot faster, in an 
> easy-to-code fashion.  

sounds like we need a 'hacketer': hacker/marketer. any hackers out there
with MBA's or is that an oxymoron?

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