barries wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 05:31:49PM -0500, Drew Taylor wrote:
> >
> I've used XML::Checker::Parser with no big issues.

Good to hear. Unfortunately, we are using an older version of
XML::Parser (2.22), while XML::Checker requires 2.23 (according to make
test). I'm not going to even try to get this upgraded on the production
site knowing how finicky XML::Parser can be. But I'll definately keep it
in mind should we upgrade in the future. I see our API becoming much
more important in the near future, and this might help get things
upgraded sooner.

> > My biggest problem with XML::Writer (and hence XML::ValidWriter) is that
> > I can't write to a string, unless there is some hackish workaround.
> XML::ValidWriter writes to a string if you pass in a \$scalar as the
> destination:
>        new
>               $writer = XML::ValidWriter->new( DTD => $dtd, OUTPUT => \*FH ) ;
>            Creates an XML::ValidWriter.
>            The value passed for OUTPUT may be:
>            a SCALAR ref
>                if you want to direct output to append to a
>                scalar.  This scalar is truncated whenever the
>                XML::ValidWriter object is reset() or DESTROY()ed

I stand corrected. :-) I'll play around with XML::ValidWriter and see
what happens. Of course, I also happen to like the way we generate XML
now. It's just a big array of arrays of arrays... reference that is
walked to make the XML. Pretty neat, and the implementation is actually
very simple.

Drew Taylor
Software Engineer - Making Business a Breeze!
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