Nathan Stitt attmpted to write:

> Stas Bekman wrote:
> > Well, here comes a different question. Most of us have very limited
> > resources on helping the project. The best scenario is when someone is
> > doing mod_perl coding for his tasks at work and contributes back.
> >
> > But we are talking about things that require more than that. We need
> > people with time on their hands to do this different work
> > (articles/sites/packaging/apps/etc). But it's a time consuming thing, and
> > many prefer to have some well deserved rest than work for free, even if
> > they love mod_perl.
> >
> > So here is the question: Will you or your company support a few people to
> > do full/part time advocacy which involves talking, coding, helping, and a
> > lot more. Imagine that we create a group of people who will indirectly
> > benefit your business by creating the man power (teaching), hype and
> > acceptance by those who make decisions (media), knowledge base (articles
> > and cookbooks), more extended help/support at the list level and of course
> > making the product itself better thru coding.
> >
> > I'm interested to know two things:
> > 1) whether there is an interest to sponsor such an endeavor.
> > 2) whether there are people interested to do the work.
> >

!#@$! Mozilla!  I really did type text in my earlier reply!  Perhaps
that's what they mean when they say, 'This browser is a beta, it may eat
your email'.  Actually was a build from about a week ago, and untill now
has worked fine.. gobbles memory like crazy, but not too crashy.  And
here I was doing so good staying out of non-free with debian.  

My apologies for wasting everyone's time/bandwidth on my earlier useless
post. As I said before mozilla screwed the pooch on me,


I (and I hope many others) would be glad to help with whatever task need
to be done to ensure mod_perl keeps/gains mindshare.  To be honest, I
had never really given a thought to what might happen if mod_perl loses
mindshare to php or java.  Although to be honest, I've never considered
php worth worrying about, as I've found it a fine language for smaller
sites, (and a horrible one for larger ones IMHO).  What gives me the
willies is some day waking up and not being able to find work except
using java servlets, or horrors .asp.

In my opinion, what we all need is a leader(s) who can plot out a plan
for web domination, put it up for critiques and flames, revise according
to the well thought out critiques and then parcel it up in small
sections for people to claim ownership off.  As you allude to, the small
parcels of work would not be all code, and therefore there would
probably be work for any skill level above rank newbie.
(and they can still test the user friendlyness of it).

As I said before I really hadn't thougth much about the need for
mindshare before today's long thread, so am still not sure how I can
contribute, but would definatly be willing to help compile a list
simular to what I outlined above, and grab a few jobs off it.

Of course choosing said leader(s) is the tricky part!  I have no idea
how to go about that.  However if someone with suitable stature could
come up with the plan, they could perhaps get a critical mass of
developers to follow.

As to a paying position hacking opensource mod_perl, that would be great
and probably pretty close to my dream job, but I'm not holding my breath
on a company picking up the tab in that fashion, and I don't think we
need to wait for it to happen either.


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