I've been using mod_perl for two years, and I'm currently particularly
interested in:
1) Definitively establishing mod_perl as a credible player in the enterprise
2) Discussing enterprise-level architecture considerations, performance
benchmarks, development methodologies, etc.

By "enterprise", I mean folks who have serious money to throw at mod_perl--
folks who have racks of quad-Xeon, 4GB servers at Exodus serving millions of
pages per day, and who have been asked (or are being asked) by the company
to make their application infinitely scalable. I know that there are several
of you out there.

As a bit of background, I started out using mod_perl/Embperl because pound
for pound, it allowed me to develop a high-quality production application in
the shortest amount of time on a stable platform. At that point, WebLogic
and EJB were at their version .9 spec (and were highly unstable besides),
PHP did not have very rich third-party module support.  I have continued to
use mod_perl because of its outstanding performance, stability, and
architectural characteristics-- in the two years that our site has been up
in production, I have had exactly zero problems that could be traced to
instabilities in mod_perl/Embperl.

During those two years, we grew from an angel-backed garage company to a
company that is now backed by Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Venrock, Cardinal
Health Partners, and (most recently) Oak Investment Partners. Guy Kawasaki
(CEO of garage.com) was once quoted as saying that the amount of pressure
increases with the square of the amount money that you have, and I have
certainly found that to true.

We are now at the hockey stick of growth. Currently, our application serves
300,000 dynamic page requests per day, each of which executes on the average
of about 20 SQL statements against an Oracle RDBMS running on Linux. By the
end of next year, the application needs to be able to support at least 8
million dynamic page requests per day; and the year after that, 30+ million
per day.

The project that I propose is simple and concrete: create an open forum in
which all of the folks who are currently undergoing the same growing pains
that we are, or who have been through them already, or who are otherwise
interested in the project, to address the following questions, specifically
as they relate to mod_perl + Oracle (or perhaps some other RDBMS):
1) What are the software building blocks that you use? I'm interested
specifically in mod_perl + Oracle, but I'd also welcome questions about
mod_perl + apache.
2) What is the logical scaling architecture that you use? i.e., how have you
architected your mod_perl application so that it will scale linearly with
additional hardware?
3) What is the physical scaling and high-availability architecture that you
have used? e.g., what is the best way to load-balance across a set of
mod_perl servers? Do folks use LVS, or mod_proxy, or F5 BigIPs, or
Arrowpoint switches... etc; what hardware are folks using? Dell, Compaq, VA
Linux, Penguin, etc.-- what vendor did you choose, and why? Have you had any
problems with the vendor? Are folks running mod_perl in production on Linux,
or have folks found BSD or Solaris to be better servers, and for what
4) What tools do folks use to monitor your mod_perl servers? For example, I
have written apache modules that simply time how long it takes to execute a
page, and a script that does a quick https 'GET' from all production servers
to make certain they are up.
5) What tools do folks use to profile the performance of the application? I
have also written scripts that essentially do an 'explain plan' in Oracle on
every query executed for a given pageview. (This was done very painfully, by
hacking dbdimp.c... in retrospect, there may have been an easier way of
hacking it at the DBD:: layer, but I wasn't sufficently familiar with the
mechanics of XS to do that). I have also tried DProf, but I was unable to
get it to work in any meaningful way (don't remember exactly why now)
5) How do you estimate server capacity? For example, has anyone used tools
that proxy all requests for a given day and play them back, or take the
apache logs for a server for a given day and play them back at varying
speeds, simulating varying bandwidth?
6) etc.

As you can probably tell, a good deal of this will be mod_perl-specific, and
a good deal will simply be a forum for folks to talk _from experience_ about
the relative pros and cons of various production architectures that may or
may not have anything to do with mod_perl.

This is a conversation that may in places go off-topic, and in some
places -way- off-topic. However, it is a conversation that I think should
ultimately benefit the mod_perl community because it should eventually
provide examples of mod_perl architectures, in production, that scale to
tens or hundreds of millions of requests per day, and should help to ease
some of the tensions that are generated when top management and VCs come
knocking with questions. In this way, it should dovetail nicely with the
mod_perl advocacy project.

I am not yet certain whether the best forum for this is this mailing list,
or whether I should try to create a private list of names for folks who are
interested. Relevant considerations include:
-The possible very off-topicness of pieces of the discussion.
-At some point, some of us may want opinions from other folks on sensitive
information (network diagrams, etc.) that Corporate won't allow us to show
to the outside world except under NDA; if all the folks on a list signed an
NDA, then we could speak freely all the time.
-At any rate, I'd like to publish any methodologies we use and put any
monitoring tools, performance benching tools, etc. into open-source. To that
end, I'll be creating a page that publishes any code we come up with and
summarizes our thoughts. I'd be happy to publish that page myself, but I
could also just add it as a page-- 'Enterprise mod_perl architectures'-- to
Matt's new site (modperl.sergeant.org).

So, I'd like to get folks' thoughts on this project. Again, I am staking out
very high ground on this project-- multimillion-dollar companies with
multimillion-dollar budgets. I'm doing this not because I'm disparaging
other companies, but because part of the reason behind doing this project is
to establish mod_perl's credibility as an enterprise web platform and to
describe some of the pitfalls and workarounds that allow mod_perl to scale
to that level. To that end, I'd like to get a list of interested parties. In
general, this should include the chief architects, CTOs, and/or senior
engineers at different shops using mod_perl. Some of those folks don't read
this list regularly, and in that case, I'd be happy to email them/call them
directly if people could just point them my way.

If any subset of folks are interested, I'd be more than happy to drive this
project forward. This is a project that really describes one of my core
responsibilities in my company right now, so I actually have a lot of time
and the resources to devote to this as part of my job.

Anyways, not to belabor the point-- I'd like y'alls input on this,
1) What do folks thing about the project in general?
2) Should we keep it on this list, or should we create a separate mailing
list for interested parties, or should we do a combination of the two?
3) Is there anyone who'd like to volunteer virtual space to host this? e.g.
ftp, web, creating a mailing list, etc.

I am not yet interested in specifics about peoples' architectures; I think
that we need to frame the general discussion and create some infrastructure
before we go into that.


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