> Gerald Richter sent the following bits through the ether:
> > That only works if the session id already exists. If the session id
> > exists, Apache::Session will throw an exception (die)
> The documentation implies that is it currently possible to do so.

But the perl code shows that it doesn't work. For example Store/DBI.pm in
the function materialize die's when it doesn't find the row with the id you
given in the database. It's the same for other Stores.

> I'd
> love for it to be possible to do so, but I can't seem to contact
> Jeffrey. Was it a complicated patch?

it overrides the the TIEHASH method in Session.pm. It wasn't too hard, but I
don't have a patch for Session.pm that comes with Apache::Session 1.53, but
you can simply use HTML::Embperl::Session instead of Apache::Session, which
works with Apache::Session 1.00 and 1.5x and which should work also outside
of Embperl.

perldoc HTML::Embperl::Session

shows the additional attributes you can pass to tie. The rest remains the
same as with Apache::Session.


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