
                          mod_perl digest
               December 10, 2000 - December 16, 2000


Recent happenings in the mod_perl world...


  o mod_perl status
  o module announcements
  o mailing list highlights
  o advocacy
  o FAQ of the week
  o links

mod_perl status

  o mod_perl
    - stable: 1.24_01 (released October 10, 2000) [1]
    - development: 1.24_02-dev [2]
  o Apache
    - stable: 1.3.14 (released October 13, 2000) [3]
    - development: 1.3.15-dev [4]
  o Perl
    - stable: 5.6 (released March 23, 2000) [5]
    - development: 5.7 [6]

module announcements

  o Apache::VMonitor 0.5 - emulates the reporting functionalities of 
    top(), mount(), df(), and ifconfig() utilities [7]

  o HTML::Template 2.1 - makes using HTML templates simple and natural
    by extending standard HTML with a few new HTML-esque tags [8]

  o HTML::Mason 0.895 - allows web pages and sites to be constructed
    from shared, reusable building blocks called components, which
    contain a mix of Perl and HTML and can call each other and pass
    values back and forth like subroutines [9]

mailing list highlights

  o Although everyone ought to know by now that Apache 1.3.14 requires
      Apache::Session [10]
      Template Toolkit [11]
      Hello World 2000 [12]

  o A suggested patch to Apache::ReadConfig (ApacheReadConfig) 
    prohibits PerlModule and PerlRequire from being activated
    by <Perl> sections [13]

  o A few tips on writing STDOUT to a string [14]

  o Some pitfalls to be aware of when trying to expire cookies [15]

  o Long thread of the week goes to a discussion on forking a process
    from mod_perl.  There's lots of interesting stuff in this one [16]

  o The mod_perl Center for Linguistic Studies awards go to...
      Aaron Johnson [17] 
      Tim Bunce [18]

  o A comparison of webmail servers WING and TWIG [19]

  o For anyone who was wondering how Apache::DBI handles transactions
    (or wondering what a transaction is, for that matter) there is
    a nice description here [20]


  o Still overflowing from the past week, there are a number of active
    threads on mod_perl advocacy.  The most focused of these was 
    dedicated to mod_perl tutorials [21].

FAQ of the week

  Yikes, 1.3.14 is two months old and we saw this twice this week...

  o I'm trying to make mod_perl with Apache 1.3.14, but see the error:
    "Apache Version 1.3.0 required, aborting..."

    Using mod_perl with Apache 1.3.14 requires an upgrade to 1.24-01
    (or some hacking around). Get the latest version from the mod_perl
    distribution page [22]

  o The Apache/Perl Integration Project [23]
  o mod_perl documentation [24]
  o mod_perl modules on CPAN [25]
  o mod_perl homepage [26]
  o mod_perl news and advocacy [27]
  o mod_perl list archives [28]

happy mod_perling...


[1] http://perl.apache.org/dist/
[2] http://perl.apache.org/from-cvs/modperl/
[3] http://www.apache.org/dist/
[4] http://dev.apache.org/from-cvs/apache-1.3/
[5] http://www.perl.com/pub/language/info/software.html#stable
[6] http://www.perl.com/pub/language/info/software.html#devel
[7] http://forum.swarthmore.edu/epigone/modperl/sougoipand
[8] http://forum.swarthmore.edu/epigone/modperl/mimpshaxyand
[9] http://forum.swarthmore.edu/epigone/modperl/flekhusol
[10] http://forum.swarthmore.edu/epigone/modperl/whimpfleezil
[11] http://forum.swarthmore.edu/epigone/modperl/perkeebrao
[12] http://forum.swarthmore.edu/epigone/modperl/swimpsneecru
[13] http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=97659957700001&w=2&r=1
[14] http://forum.swarthmore.edu/epigone/modperl/creebreglang
[15] http://forum.swarthmore.edu/epigone/modperl/crertonstah
[16] http://forum.swarthmore.edu/epigone/modperl/plorulrin
[17] http://forum.swarthmore.edu/epigone/modperl/smixdermgling
[18] http://forum.swarthmore.edu/epigone/modperl/peldskintwang
[19] http://forum.swarthmore.edu/epigone/modperl/thermblelfru
[20] http://forum.swarthmore.edu/epigone/modperl/spintwelzhy
[21] http://forum.swarthmore.edu/epigone/modperl/croocrixswix
[22] http://perl.apache.org/dist/mod_perl-1.24_01.tar.gz
[23] http://perl.apache.org
[24] http://perl.apache.org/#docs
[25] http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/Apache/
[26] http://www.modperl.com
[27] http://www.take23.org
[28] http://forum.swarthmore.edu/epigone/modperl/

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