On Monday, December 18, 2000, at 09:23 AM, Geoffrey Young wrote:

> well, it's not the same - what he means is for you to export ORACLE_HOME in 
> /etc/passwd or somesuch  
> DBD::Oracle needs ORACLE_HOME set at compile time - for Registry scripts its 
> ok to PerlSetEnv so that when your .cgi use()s DBD::Oracle, it's there... 
> for handlers, though, PerlSetEnv may be too late, especially if you are 
> using a startup.pl script.  generally what I do is to use a BEGIN block in 
> startup.pl to define ORACLE_HOME prior to using Apache::DBI, DBI, and 
> DBD::Oracle.  if you export it from /etc/profile then you probably don't 
> need to do this (but it can't hurt, either - I do both) 
> I don't know specifically why Apache::Reload is causing this behavior, but 
> try the above and see if that clears things up... 

Hmmm, I have been using this set up for years and never had
a problem.  It is only Apache::Reload that has the problem.
I suspect it may be that I am running  Apache/1.3.9 (Unix)
mod_perl/1.21 and there were probably some patches along
the way to mod_perl that fixed up some bugs with environment
variables. I am also going to try using the latest/greatest
mod_perl and see if that fixes the problem.

Thanks for the help/comments.


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