In case it would help, I have provided the source of the methods that 
piece together my output and print it.  I use HTTP::Headers to do the 
headers and my own code to assemble the HTML body.

// Darren Duncan

sub send_to_user {
        my $self = shift( @_ );
        print STDOUT $self->to_string( @_ );

sub to_string {
        my ($self, $endl) = @_;
        my $ret_value;
        my $status;

        defined( $endl ) or $endl = "\015\012";


        my $http = $self->{$KEY_HTTP_HEADER};

        if( my $url = $self->{$KEY_REDIRECT_URL} ) {
                $status = '301 Moved';  # used to be "302 Found"
                        status => $status,
                        uri => $url,
                        location => $url,
                        window_target => 'external_link_window',
                $ret_value = $http->as_string( $endl );

        } else {
                $status = '200 OK';
                        status => $status,
                        content_type => 'text/html',
                my $http_header = $http->as_string( $endl );

                require HTML::TagMaker;

                my $html = HTML::TagMaker->new();

                my $header = $html->start_html(
                        title => $self->{$KEY_TITLE},
                        author => $self->{$KEY_AUTHOR},
                        meta => $self->{$KEY_META},
                        style => {
                                src => $self->{$KEY_CSS_SRC},
                                code => $self->{$KEY_CSS_CODE},
                        head => $self->{$KEY_MAIN_HEAD},
                        body => $self->{$KEY_BODY_ATTR},

                my $body = join( '', @{$self->{$KEY_MAIN_BODY}} );

                my $footer = $html->end_html();

                $ret_value = $http_header.$header.$body.$footer;

        my $is_mod_perl = ($ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'} =~ /^CGI-Perl/);

        if( $is_mod_perl ) {
                $ret_value = 'HTTP/1.0 '.$status.$endl.$ret_value;

        return( $ret_value );

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