I did try thttpd.

As I understood it, and I did send an email to acmesoftware to ask
but got no reply, thttpd does not handle keep-alive, and indeed
users complained that images "came in slowly". I also observed this.
I'm happy to be corrected, maybe I picked up the wrong version or
did not study the source carefully enough. I could not find any
config variables relating to keep-alive either..

I found some benchmarks which showed mathopd and thttpd similar in
speed. Only linux kernel httpd can do better than either.. but
request rates per second of 1000+ is of academic interest only..


On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 08:37:23PM -0800, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Dec 2000, Justin wrote:
> > I've been catching up on the modperl list archives, and would 
> > just like to recommend "mathopd" as an image web server.
> I think you'll find thttpd (http://www.acme.com/software/thttpd/) faster
> and somewhat better documented.  However, I'd like to point out that we've
> had no problems using Apache as an image server.  We need the ability to
> serve HTTPS images, which mathopd and thttpd can't do, but more than that
> we've found the performance to be more than good enough with a stripped
> down Apache server.
> > After having difficulties with the sheer number of front end apache
> > processes necessary to handle 10 backend modperls, (difficulties: high
> > load average and load spikes, kernel time wasted scheduling lots of
> > httpds, higher than expected latency on simple requests)
> Load averages are tricky beasts.  The load can get high on our machines
> when many processes are running, but it doesn't seem to mean much: almost
> no CPU is being used, the network is not saturated, the disk is quiet,
> response is zippy, etc.  This leads me to think that these load numbers
> are not significant.
> Select-based servers are very cool though, and a good option for people
> who don't need SSL and want to squeeze great performance out of budget
> hardware.
> - Perrin

Justin Beech                      http://www.dslreports.com
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